Below are listed some of the key excerpts from the bylaws of INCOSE Denmark. For full details please see the officially approved bylaws.

  • INCOSE Denmark shall be an authorized local chapter of the International Council of Systems Engineering.
  • INCOSE Denmark is a non-profit organisation.
  • The purpose of INCOSE Denmark is to foster the definition, understanding, and practice of world class systems engineering in industry, academia, and government.
  • The objectives of INCOSE Denmark are to provide a focal point for dissemination of systems engineering knowledge, and through its involvment with INCOSE to:
    1. promote collaboration in systems engineering education and research;
    2. assure the establishment of profession standards for integrity in the practice of systems engineering;
    3. improve the professional status of all persons engaged in the practice of systems engineering;
    4. encourage governmental and industrial support for research and educational programs that will improve the systems engineering process and its practice; and
    5. promote systems engineering activities with industry, government and academia within Denmark and its neighboring countries.
  • Any member who supports the purpose and objectives of INCOSE Denmark, and pays the applicable dues to INCOSE, may elect to be a member of INCOSE Denmark.


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